The Senate- and House-passed operating budgets are $354.9 million apart

By: Emily Makings
11:29 am
February 26, 2024

The Senate and House have each passed their respective supplemental operating budgets. The House-passed budget would appropriate $354.9 million more than the Senate-passed budget, in terms of funds subject to the outlook (NGFO). The Senate-passed budget would increase 2023–25 NGFO appropriations by $1.867 billion (2.7% over enacted appropriations) and the House-passed budget would increase 2023–25 appropriations by $2.222 billion (3.2% over enacted).

For more on the NGFO policy differences between the two, see this post. (It’s about the budgets as proposed, but amendments in committee and on the floor added only modestly to the spending totals in each budget—$12.8 million in the Senate and $25.7 million in the House.)

The Senate-passed budget would leave more in reserves than the House-passed budget at the end of the outlook period (2025–27). In the Senate, the unrestricted NGFO ending balance would be $62 million, the budget stabilization account (BSA, or the rainy day fund) balance would be $2.107 billion, and the Washington rescue plan transition account (WRPTA) balance would be $798 million. Altogether, total reserves would be $2.967 billion.

In the House, the unrestricted NGFO ending balance would be $38 million, the BSA balance would be $2.107 billion, and the WRPTA balance would be $0. Total reserves would be $2.145 billion.

The operating budget makes appropriations from state, federal, and local sources. The NGFO makes up almost 90% of state sources. The chart below shows how much the Senate- and House-passed operating budgets would increase 2023–25 appropriations by source in the operating budget. (CCA refers to climate commitment act funding. The chart shows only the CCA money appropriated in the operating budget; other CCA funds are appropriated in the capital and transportation budgets. See this post for more.)

The Senate would increase appropriations from the NGFO by less than the House, but the Senate would increase appropriations from federal funds by more. In terms of all budgeted funds, the House-passed operating budget would increase 2023–25 appropriations by $136.2 million more than the Senate.

(More posts on the 2024 supplemental budgets are here.)

Categories: Budget.
Tags: 2024 supp