State distributes $87.8 million for COVID-19 response

By: Emily Makings
10:28 am
March 19, 2020

The Office of Financial Management (OFM) announced that it has distributed $74.5 million from the disaster response account (DRA) and $13.3 million from the general fund–federal (GFF) for use in response to COVID-19. The funds are part of the $225.0 million appropriated in EHB 2965.

EHB 2965 appropriates $25.0 million from the budget stabilization account (BSA, or the rainy day fund) for unemployment insurance (see here for more). Additionally, for response to COVID-19, the bill appropriates $175.0 million from the BSA to the disaster response account and $25.0 million from the GFF.

The first distribution of these funds is as follows:

  • The Department of Health gets $33.3 million ($20.0 million from the DRA and $13.3 million from the GFF) for “costs associated with the state and local government response” to the outbreak.
  • The Department of Commerce gets $23.0 million from the DRA “to address the public health needs of individuals experiencing homelessness, including social distancing measures, sanitation efforts, and shelter staffing needs.”
  • The Department of Social and Health Services gets $19.5 million from the DRA; of that, $13.5 million is to buy a long-term care facility and $6.0 million is to fund the movement of patients from hospitals to long-term care.
  • The University of Washington gets $10.0 million from the DRA for coronavirus testing.
  • The Health Care Authority gets $2.0 million “to establish a rural hospital emergency fund.”

This leaves $100.5 million of the DRA appropriation (originally from the BSA) and $11.7 million of the GFF appropriation.

Categories: Budget , Categories , Economy.
Tags: COVID-19 , state action on COVID-19