Capital budget request from Commerce focused on housing, clean energy projects, and broadband

By: Emily Makings
10:46 am
December 8, 2023

For the 2024 supplemental capital budget, the Department of Commerce has requested $1.276 billion in 2023–25. This is the largest capital request for 2023–25 from any agency, representing 68.4% of all agency capital requests for the biennium. The request also includes estimates of future spending for the proposals. Spending from 2025–27 through 2031–33 would total an estimated $1.393 billion.

Of the request, $340.0 million in 2023–25 and $400.0 million in future years would come from the climate commitment account (carbon allowance auction proceeds), $690.8 million in 2023–25 and $10.4 million in future years would come from other state funds, and $245.6 million for 2023–25 and $982.2 million in future years would come from federal funds.

The major capital requests from Commerce include:

  • $400.0 million in 2023–25 to increase affordable housing supply. Under the proposal, $240.0 million would be for multifamily rental housing (to fund 3,400 units and preservation activities at another 1,600 units), $100.0 million would be for Apple Health and Homes new permanent supportive housing, and $60.0 million would be for homeownership (to fund the purchase of 550 homes).
  • $240.0 million in 2023–25 for green jobs and infrastructure catalytic funds. This would provide matching funds for federal grants related to clean technology industries and provide grants to “projects that demonstrate high-wage, clean job creation in Washington and help global fight against climate change.”
  • $100.0 million in 2023–25 and $400.0 million in future years for clean energy community decarbonization. This program would “use the environmental health disparities map to identify vulnerable and overburdened communities. These communities will be categorically eligible for direct clean energy investments.”
  • $245.6 million in 2023-25 and $982.2 million in future years from federal funds for the state’s Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) allocation. (The request also includes $256.9 million in 2023–25 from state funds to be used for the required state match.)

Commerce additionally requested $448.3 million from the general fund–state for the 2024 supplemental operating budget.

(Previous posts on agency 2024 supplemental budget requests are here.)

Categories: Budget.
Tags: 2023-25 , 2024 agency requests