Value of agricultural production in Washington was $10.2 billion in 2020, up 7.2% from 2019

By: Emily Makings
10:50 am
October 14, 2021

According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), the value of agricultural production in Washington was $10.181 billion in 2020. That’s an increase of 7.2% over 2019. The top ten commodities in Washington in 2020 were apples, milk, wheat, potatoes, cattle, cherries, hay, hops, grapes, and eggs.

The charts show the value of these commodities over time. I also added in blueberries, pears, and onions. Pears were regularly in the top ten until 2018. Onions made the top ten in 2019. Blueberries almost made the top ten in 2020. According to NASS, cherries and blueberries had record high values of productions in 2020.

Categories: Economy , Energy & Natural Resources.