The supplemental budget request from the Department of Children, Youth, and Families includes funding for legal settlements and preparation for the upcoming ECEAP entitlement

By: Emily Makings
2:22 pm
November 8, 2023

The Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) has requested an increase of $233.7 million from the general fund–state (GFS) for the 2024 supplemental operating budget. That would increase GFS spending for the agency by 7.6% over enacted 2023–25 appropriations.

DCYF was created in 2017. It took over responsibility for children and family services, juvenile rehabilitation, and early learning—programs that had previously been administered by the Department of Social and Health Services and the Department of Early Learning. (To provide a longer term history of spending on those programs, the chart below includes what was spent on them by the other agencies.)

The request for $233.7 million in additional funding for 2023–25 would cost $257.7 million in 2025–27. However, it includes several placeholders that would add to the total:

  • Mandatory caseload adjustment placeholder, which will be based on the November caseload forecast (which is happening today).
  • Lease adjustment placeholder, for “funding to support either existing approved relocations to new facilities or increases to exiting leases when up for renewal.”
  • LifeSet placeholder, “to cover full costs related to maintenance of three teams and implementation of a fourth team” in the LifeSet program (which serves youth who have been in the foster care, juvenile justice, or mental health systems).
  • Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System placeholder, to implement a new case management information system.
  • Social Services Payment System replacement placeholder, to replace the current system. (The replacement was funded in 2021–23 but delayed.)

Additionally, the request includes several costs related to legal settlements:

  • $94.6 million in 2023–25 for settlement payouts that are not covered by the state agency self-insurance liability program. Specifically, $91.3 million would be for the Powell v. State of Washington agreement (I think they mean this case) and $3.4 million would be for the Aroni v. State of Washington agreement.
  • $3.4 million in 2023–25 and $2.6 million in 2025–27 “to provide hearings for individuals under age twenty-­five that are transferring to the Department of Corrections” from DCYF. DCYF is in settlement negotiations with plaintiffs in a class action lawsuit on this issue.
  • $4.5 million in 2023–25 and $5.1 million in 2025–27 “to continue to meet the agency’s obligations under the Settlement Agreement in the D.S. lawsuit.” (More information about the case is available here.)

Other notable DCYF GFS requests include:

(Previous posts on agency 2024 supplemental budget requests are here.)

Categories: Budget.
Tags: 2023-25 , 2024 agency requests