The legislative education funding challenge: How do you solve a problem like McCleary?

By: Richard S. Davis
12:00 am
March 13, 2013

My column in the current issue of AWB’s Washington Business considers the state budget problem. It was written weeks ago, but holds up I think. With next week’s revenue forecast likely to be down (and a new caseload forecast tomorrow apt to show increased costs), the challenge is a bit tougher than it looked in January.

The crux:

Ultimately, the McCleary solution requires a return to sustained economic growth. Raising already-high business taxes on a struggling economy won’t produce the desired results. The court wants a funding plan. Taxpayers and employers insist on an economic recovery plan. The Legislature needs to do both.

Please read the column – and the rest of the magazine – and share your thoughts.

Categories: Budget , Categories , Current Affairs , Economy , Education.