The Dept. of Corrections asks for a 10.8% budget increase (not including the cost of reducing the use of solitary confinement)

By: Emily Makings
2:33 pm
October 31, 2023

For the 2024 supplemental operating budget, the Department of Corrections (DOC) has requested $319.7 million from the general fund–state (GFS) over enacted 2023–25 appropriations (a 10.8% increase).

However, the agency is proposing a potentially costly new policy that is not included in that figure. The agency “requests funding to reduce the use of solitary confinement in Washington State Prisons by increasing correctional and mental health staffing, incorporating enhanced mental health training, and implementing evidence­based systemwide practices.” The request does not include a cost estimate for this policy, which would also have capital budget impacts.

Other major new policy requests from DOC include:

Additionally, the maintenance level (the cost of continuing current services, adjusted for enrollment and inflation) requests include:

(Previous posts on agency 2024 supplemental budget requests are here.)

Categories: Budget.
Tags: 2023-25 , 2024 agency requests