Senate passes a supplemental operating budget that would increase 2019–21 appropriations by $1.132 billion (updated)

By: Emily Makings
12:35 pm
February 28, 2020

[Update: Because this post reports spending figures in terms of the NGFO+WEIA, the original figures below double-count an appropriation from the general fund to the WEIA. I’ve striken the incorrect figures.]

Yesterday the Senate passed its supplemental operating budget. Floor amendments added $6.5 million in appropriations and transferred $1.0 million from the general fund–state to the economic development strategic reserve account. (Descriptions of previous versions of the Senate proposal are here and here.)

Altogether, the Senate-passed supplemental budget would increase 2019–21 appropriations from funds subject to the outlook and the workforce education investment account (NGFO+WEIA) by $1.155 $1.132 billion to $54.028 $54.005 billion. That’s a 20.9 percent increase over 2017–19 spending.

One floor amendment increased appropriations by $5.0 million (to a total of $8.6 million) for local response to coronavirus. Another floor amendment increased appropriations by $75,000 for general election costs related to SSJR 8212, which would amend the state constitution to allow for the investment of the long-term care funds. (ESJR 8212 was passed by the Senate Feb. 19 but has not been heard in the House.)

Categories: Budget , Categories.
Tags: 2019-21