Policy Changes in the Supplemental Budget

By: Emily Makings
12:00 am
April 11, 2012

Earlier today, Dick wrote about the newly-enacted supplemental budget. Policy level reductions in the bill total $295 million–smaller than all previous proposals except the one the House passed March 8, which would have reduced policy level spending by $293 million (after adjusting to remove the effect of the school apportionment shift). The enacted bill reduces policy spending in all budget areas except public schools and judicial.

In all, the enacted bill is very similar to the April 4 House proposal. Differences fall mainly in the Department of Social and Health Services: Unlike the April 4 proposal, the enacted bill does not make changes to nursing home rates, nor does it close two decertified wards at Western State Hospital.

The bill leaves the smallest ending reserves of any of the proposals: $319 million.

In Dick’s post, he mentions the reform measures that were enacted along with the budget. While they are similar to the reforms passed by the Senate in March, they have been amended. We’ll have more on the enacted reforms later.

Categories: Budget , Categories.