Our Annual Dinner Speaker, Kim Strassel, on the Federal Budget

By: Emily Makings
12:00 am
April 8, 2011

This week has been a busy one on the budget front.  Here in Washington, the House Ways and Means Committee proposed and passed a 2011-13 budget, which may be passed by the full House today or tomorrow.  (For more on the budget, see here and here.)

It has also been budget week in the U.S. Congress.  House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan introduced his budget proposal, and Congress still has not agreed on a new spending agreement for the current year.

Kim Strassel, in her Potomac Watch column for the Wall Street Journal, takes a look at the Ryan plan:

House Republicans have thrown a grenade in the entitlement debate. Budget Chairman Paul Ryan bravely did what few—if any—politicians have done before. He issued a 2012 budget that forthrightly confronts the entitlement crisis. Politicians have shrunk from this debate for decades, and there were plenty of Republicans who would have been happy to continue doing so. Mr. Ryan has fundamentally shifted the national discussion.

Strassel is our annual dinner speaker this year.  For information on the June 7 dinner, please go here.

Categories: Budget , Categories , Current Affairs.