November 11 – December 10 state revenue collections beat forecast by $4 million

By: Kriss Sjoblom
12:00 am
December 11, 2013

Every little bit helps.

The Economic and Revenue Forecast Council issued its monthly Economic and Revenue Update today. Here are the key bullets on revenue from the summary:

  • Major General Fund-State revenue collections for the November 11 – December 10, 2013 collection period were $4.0 million (0.2%) higher than the November forecast.
  • Revenue Act collections were $8.5 million (0.9%) higher than forecasted and non-Revenue Act collections were $4.5 million (0.5%) lower than forecasted. 

Of the $4.5 million shortfall in non-Revenue Act collections,$1.9 million was in cigarette taxes and largely represented 30-day deferrals of payment for cigarette stamps.  These funds should be made up in the next month’s collections.

Here’s a link to the update.

Categories: Budget , Categories , Economy.