New policy brief: In the 2018 Supplemental, the School Salary Increase is Fully Funded, But the Rainy Day Fund is Shortchanged

By: Emily Makings
8:13 am
March 15, 2018

As passed by the Legislature, the 2018 supplemental operating budget increases near general fund–state plus opportunity pathways spending by $941.0 million. Appropriations for 2017–19 now total $44.649 billion. The supplemental does not levy new taxes, and it reduces property taxes in 2019. It also fully funds the increase in school salaries in SY 2018–19, as ordered by the state Supreme Court.

The boost in anticipated revenues provided by the February forecast allowed for the substantial increase in spending while leaving reserves in the budget stabilization account (BSA, or rainy day fund) only slightly lower than anticipated when the biennial budget was enacted last year. Lawmakers, however, redirected funds that are otherwise constitutionally required to be deposited in the BSA.

Read the policy brief here.

Categories: Budget , Categories , Publications.
Tags: 2017-19