New Brief: The Budget Arc: State Spending from Expansion to Recession, 2003-2013

By: Emily Makings
12:00 am
November 8, 2011

Our latest policy brief looks at state spending trends from 2003 to 2013.  The recession isn’t the only reason the state budget situation is such a mess.  Spending choices made in flusher years are also contributing factors.

The numbers we cite for the 2011-13 biennium are as budgeted — they will be cut further.  The governor has called a special session of the legislature for later this month, and she has also presented the legislature with options for spending cuts.  In her letter to the legislature, Gov. Gregoire said,

Despite three years of cutting budgets, reducing and eliminating services, and transforming government, Washington faces yet another major challenge. The September revenue forecast has forced another major overhaul of the state operating budget, this time to accommodate a drop of nearly $1.4 billion. Given signs that the November forecast is likely to bring additional bad news, I have prepared a list of alternatives that represent total expenditure reductions of more than $2 billion for the 2011–13 biennium. We will need at least that much to balance the budget and maintain a reserve.

Categories: Budget , Categories , Publications.