Health Care Authority requests just a 3% increase to its budget, but that doesn’t include the impacts from the caseload forecast

By: Emily Makings
2:31 pm
November 16, 2023

For the 2024 supplemental operating budget, the Health Care Authority (HCA) has requested an increase to its 2023–25 general fund–state (GFS) appropriations of $222.6 million (3.0%). However, that includes several placeholders that will add significantly to the total.

Of the amount that is included in the request, $142.2 million is at the maintenance level (the cost of continuing current services, adjusted for enrollment and inflation) and $80.5 million is new policy. If the proposals are all enacted, the maintenance level changes would cost $196.6 million in 2025–27 and the policy level changes would cost $152.3 million in 2025–27.

The HCA administers Medicaid, so federal funds are a substantial part of its overall budget. In terms of all funds, HCA is requesting an increase of $561.4 million in 2023–25 and $3.058 billion in 2025–27.

These figures do not include the impact of the recent caseload forecast. Instead, the request includes placeholders for:

As I wrote yesterday, the November caseload forecast assumes that Medicaid caseloads will decrease over the next few years due to the unwinding of the federal pandemic-era continuous care provision. That said, caseloads will decrease more slowly than assumed in the February forecast (on which the current budget was based).

Note, too, that even though caseloads are decreasing due to the end of the federal policy, the costs to states are increasing because the enhanced federal Medicaid match is also winding down. (KFF estimates that nationwide Medicaid enrollment will decrease by 8.6% in FY 2024 while state spending on Medicaid will increase by 17.2%. Total spending on Medicaid is estimated to increase by 3.4%.)

Other notable GFS requests from the HCA include:

(Previous posts on agency 2024 supplemental budget requests are here.)

Categories: Budget , Health.
Tags: 2023-25 , 2024 agency requests