For 2023–25, the Department of Commerce asks to nearly double the substantial GFS budget step-up it received this biennium

By: Emily Makings
10:20 am
October 13, 2022

The Department of Commerce, like the Department of Health, received extraordinary amounts of federal relief over the past few biennia related to the pandemic. For example, Commerce is the state agency responsible for distributing pandemic rental and business assistance.

General fund–state (GFS) appropriations for Commerce in 2021–23 increased by 249.3% over 2019–21. Now, Commerce is requesting a further increase to its GFS budget of 90.5% in 2023-25. The requested GFS increase for 2023–25 totals $741.3 million. Some of the major GFS spending requests include:

Note that the $741.3 million budget increase does not include any funding to cover the expected revenue shortfall from document recording surcharges. The budget request discusses the issue and estimates that the shortfall could be $32–$130 million, but it does not ask for a specific amount to be backfilled. Instead, “Once we have more information, we anticipate needing to seek additional funding in the next several months, perhaps at the time the Legislature convenes for the 2023 session.”

(Previous posts on agency budget requests are here.)

Categories: Budget.
Tags: 2023-25 , 2023-25 agency requests