August 11 to September 10 general fund-state revenue collections were $1.1 million less than anticipated

By: Kriss Sjoblom
12:00 am
September 11, 2012

The Economic and Revenue Forecast Council issued its monthly Economic and Revenue Update today. For the August 11 to September period, general fund-state collections were a scant $1.1 million less than anticipated in the most recent official forecast, which was issued in June. For the last three months combined, revenues exceeded the forecast by $20.1 million.

For the last month, revenue act taxes (retail sales tax, use tax, business & occupation tax, public utility tax and tobacco product tax) were $17.8 million less than the forecast. This shortfall was offset by better than expected collections of real estate excise tax ($11.7 million), liquor taxes ($3.3 million) and cigarette tax ($1.6 million).

The Update is available here.

The Forecast Council is scheduled to issue a revised revenue forecast on September 19th.

Categories: Budget , Categories , Economy.