2013 action on transportation

By: Emily Makings
12:00 am
August 12, 2013

In May, a 2013–15 transportation appropriations bill, ESSB 5024, was enacted. According to the House Office of Program Research, the budget includes “a continuation of budgetary activity but no significant new transportation projects.” Considering all fund sources, it is an $8.7 billion budget ($5.2 billion of which is for capital projects). Some of the projects that will continue to be funded in 2013–15 include the SR 99 tunnel, the SR 520 floating bridge, and I-90 over Snoqualmie Pass.

A proposed Connecting Washington package that would have spent $8.4 billion on projects over 12 years was not enacted. The package included a 10 cent gas tax increase and a number of fee increases. Now, Jerry Cornfield notes, members of the Senate’s Majority Coalition Caucus “intend to craft their own transportation funding proposal.” They would like to see reforms to the system included.

As we wrote in a March policy brief, “inadequate transportation systems threaten to slow progress” in the economy. Washington needs continued investment in its transportation infrastructure. It appears that there is still some hope that the legislature may get something done in a third special session this year.

Categories: Budget , Categories , Transportation.