WWU collective bargaining agreement and 16 percent tuition hike

By: Richard S. Davis
12:00 am
July 11, 2012

Gov. Gregoire recently wrote Western Washington University president Bruce Shephard expressing grave concern with the school’s faculty collective bargaining agreement. Here’s the Seattle Times’ summary and context:

…the governor criticized the university’s decision to raise salaries 5.25 percent this school year and 4.25 percent each of the following two years in addition to boosting department-chair stipends 15 percent.

The move comes as tuition is set to jump 16 percent this fall in response to state budget cuts.

“Your agreement seems to ignore the shared sacrifice that other state employees in general government and institutions of higher education have made during the Great Recession,” Gregoire wrote …

Well, yes it does. I write about it in my column today.

Western Washington University has undermined state efforts to control costs, spotlighted the tuition bubble, and spurred interest in a new delivery model.

Editorials criticizing the pay raises ran in the Seattle Times and Spokesman-Review.

Shephard explains Western’s position on Bruce’s Blog.

Inside Higher Ed ran a good story on the controversy today.

Categories: Categories , Current Affairs , Economy , Education.