With supermajority for taxes out, what's next?

By: Richard S. Davis
12:00 am
March 6, 2013

I take a stab at answering that in my column today.

The crux:

After 20 years, voters understand how the supermajority requirement works. If they want it in the constitution, they first must elect a Legislature that will place it on the ballot. They should begin by making it an issue in the 2014 campaign.

The other alternative for voters wanting conservative fiscal policy: Elect fiscal conservatives.

Please read the whole thing. Also, I confess an embarrassing typo in the first paragraph. The initiative that passed last November was, of course, I-1185. The Court ruling was on a challenge to I-1053, passed in 2010. My apologies. Thanks to Tim Eyman for pointing out my mistake.

Categories: Categories , Current Affairs , Economy , Tax Policy.