Washington ranks 6th best in growth since 2008 in per-student state funding for public schools

By: Kriss Sjoblom
12:00 am
October 23, 2014

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities has a new report examining changes in state government spending on K-12 education since the beginning of the the Great Recession. Between fiscal year 2008 and fiscal year 2015, per-student inflation-adjusted state support has decreased in 30 states and has increased in 17 states. For 3 states, data to make the comparison is lacking.

Washington is one of the states where funding has increased. In FY 2015, CBPP calculates, Washington’s inflation-adjusted state spending per student is 5.9 percent greater than in FY 2008. This places Washington 6th best among the states, as illustrated by this chart from the report:


Categories: Budget , Categories , Education.