WA had the nation's highest workers' comp benefits paid in 2011

By: Emily Makings
12:00 am
August 20, 2013

Today the National Academy of Social Insurance released Workers’ Compensation: Benefits, Coverage, and Costs, 2011. (This annual report has a two year data lag.) The report shows that in 2011, Washington still had the nation’s highest workers’ compensation benefits paid, at $835.40 $855.78 per covered worker. Alaska followed with $782.99 per covered worker.

In terms of benefits paid as a percent of covered wages, Washington ranked third in 2011 (1.72 percent), behind West Virginia (2.01 percent) and Montana (1.78 percent).

For why we use benefits paid as an indicator of workers’ comp system costs, see here.

(Correction 10/15/13)

Categories: Categories , Employment Policy.
Tags: workers' compensation