Washington Research Council


90 Seconds

18th of September 2015

90 Seconds podcast: Charter schools help urban minority, low-income students most

18th of August 2015

90 Seconds Podcast: The McCleary series

We're starting a series of 90 Seconds podcasts specifically on the McCleary ruling (in 2012 the state Supreme Court ruled that the State of Washington is unconstitutionally failing to fully fund K-12 basic education; that decision and all subsequent McCleary filings and rulings are here). Given the importance of McCleary, and the amount of time […]

23rd of July 2015

90 Seconds: Progress report on McCleary

15th of July 2015

90 Seconds with the WRC: It's a Wrap!

2nd of July 2015

90 Seconds: No shutdown, but session's not over yet

30th of June 2015

90 Seconds with the Washington Research Council: We have a budget

24th of June 2015

90 Seconds with the Washington Research Council: State budget update