Kondracke on trade

By: Emily Makings
12:00 am
March 18, 2016

Earlier this week Morton Kondracke and Matthew Slaughter had an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal about the importance of trade:

Divided though the four leading presidential candidates are on so many topics, united they stand on one: the assertion that trade hurts America. . . .

Where is the leader with the courage to tell the truth? To say that trade made this nation great, and that trade barriers will destroy far more jobs than they can ever “save.” To explain how trade translates into prosperity and new jobs, and how the disruptions inevitable in a trading economy can be managed for the benefit of those who need help. . . .

They make three key points about trade:

  1. "Trade has generated substantial gains—not losses—for America overall."
  2. ". . . creative destruction—the movement of people and capital from weaker businesses to stronger ones and new opportunities—is how many of the gains from trade arise."
  3. "The way to support those affected by trade is not with tariffs that will destroy the jobs of other Americans that depend on trade."

The good news is that, despite the anti-trade tenor of the presidential election this year, 58 percent of Americans see trade as an opportunity rather than as a threat. (The figure was 46 percent in 2012.)

(Kondracke will speak at our annual dinner this year.)

Categories: Categories , Economy.