June 11 to July 10 state revenue collections were $20.6 million greater than forecasted

By: Kriss Sjoblom
12:00 am
July 13, 2015

This afternoon the Economic and Revenue Forecast Council issued its monthly Economic and Revenue Update. Here are the key bullets on revenue from the summary:

  • Major General Fund-State revenue collections for the June 11 – July 10, 2015 collection period came in $20.6 million (1.5%) above the June forecast.
  • During the collection period, there were $7.3 million in net large refunds that were not included in the forecast. Without these refunds, collections would have been $27.9 million (2.0%) higher than forecasted.
  • Cumulatively, collections are now $17.4 million (0.5%) higher than forecasted. Without the abovementioned refunds, collections would have been $24.7 million (0.7%) higher than forecasted.

Here is a chart snipped from the Update showing monthly seasonally-adjusted Revenue Act collections since 2004.

Revenue Act ReceiptsThe real estate excise tax, which exceeded forecast by $21.7 million in the current month and $27.6 million cumulatively, accounted for all of the positive variance in overall collections.

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